Monday, June 25, 2012

77 Degrees

The worn faux wood, barren of anything that might give it the slightest glint of personality, stared back as me as I entered the room. Sturdy and angular. Soulless and awful. The off-white walls could do no more than nod in agreement and the cold tiled floor sighed in defeat as well. Lonely, they said. Empty, they said. The only sound was the groan of the exhausted air conditioner in the corner, chugging away without stop and begging me to raise the temperature on the thermostat. It fought long and hard with the summer heat until finally, under the bright 3 o’clock sun, it gave up with a loud huff and let the mercury climb sky-high.  You deal with the heat, it cried in defeat. The furniture merely squeaked its half-hearted pity. Finally, I left it alone there, huffing and puffing in the sweltering sun, to hide away in the frigid room next door. I think I heard the dresser drawers, still empty, grunt a short sound of protest as I left them alone in there to simmer in its barren and lonesome state. Its bellows were quieted only by my silent promise that later I would return and try my best to cool its scorching solitude.


  1. I really like what your wrote here, Jamie! Great sensory details, and then you really ran with them. "The off-white walls could do no more than nod in agreement and the cold tiled floor sighed in defeat as well. Lonely, they said. Empty, they said." I love the way you give the room and the air conditioner such vivid personalities, and that you drew them out of the details you noticed.

  2. Congratulations, Jamie, you have successfully made me feel ashamed due to the fact that not only did I treat my first blog post with little more than sarcasm and fictitious humor, but I didn't even really do much with it, whereas you took your detail and actually made something out of it. I really like your use of adjectives and language and I can just tell that your room is extremely uncomfortable for you, but rather than attacking it and outright calling it an egregious old coot of a set of technology, you made it seem more victimized and haggard, and I like the effect that came out of it.
